Revolutionizing the Forex Proprietary Trading Industry.

At NEG Markets LTD we are proud to be a prominent proprietary forex trading
firm. Our relentless dedication to excellence and innovation positions us as industry
leaders, consistently optimizing our trading strategies to generate substantial profits for
our talented traders.

NEG Markets LTD Mission Statement

At NEG Markets LTD we are proud to be a prominent proprietary forex trading firm.

Our relentless dedication to excellence and innovation positions us as industry leaders, consistently optimizing our trading strategies to generate substantial profits for our talented traders.

What sets us apart from traditional forex trading firms is our proprietary trading model, finely tuned over years of experience. Our traders benefit from direct access to our cutting-edge trading infrastructure, secure and reliable connections to global liquidity providers, and advanced risk management systems. This model maximizes profitability while minimizing market exposure, making NEGmarkets LLC the preferred choice for ambitious forex traders.

Expertise meets opportunity.


Advanced Technology.

Our state-of-the-art trading platform provides lightning-fast execution and access to real-time market data, equipping traders with a competitive edge.

Expert Guidance.

At NEG Markets LTD, we believe in your success. Our team of seasoned professionals offers personalized mentorship and ongoing support to help you navigate the challenges of the forex market.

Profit Sharing.

Our commitment to transparency and fairness is reflected in our profit-sharing model. As our traders succeed, they are rewarded proportionately, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.

Risk Management.

We prioritize risk management to protect both our traders and our firm. Rigorous risk assessment protocols and extensive monitoring systems ensure prudent trading practices and long-term profitability.

Continuous Learning.

Our comprehensive educational programs, industry insights, and market research resources are readily accessible to our traders, fostering continuous learning and professional development.

Join us at NEG Markets LTD and experience the future of trading with confidence and reliability.

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024. NEG Markets LTD from “St Lucia”

The content presented and disseminated by NEG Markets LTD from “St Lucia”, NEG Markets LTD, and its associated entities (referred to as the “Company”) is solely intended for general informational and educational purposes. None of the information provided by the Company or found herein should be construed as investment advice, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security, investment, company, or fund, or a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship thereof. It is important to note that leveraged products, including CFDs and FX trading, involve complex instruments with a substantial risk of financial loss. Please be aware that the information on this website is not meant for any jurisdiction where its use would contravene local law or regulations.